

How to design a domestic wastewater treatment system for rural self-built houses

There are significant differences in the design of sewage systems between rural self-built houses and urban commercial houses. Due to the geographical location and natural environment, the sewage system of rural self-built houses requires a more detailed and site-specific design.
Firstly, the discharge of falling water in rural self-built houses is relatively simple, only need to set up drainpipes according to the surrounding environment, and discharge rainwater directly to the outdoor. The discharge of domestic wastewater and sewage, on the other hand, requires more complex treatment.
In the treatment of domestic wastewater, if there is a centralised sewage and drainage system in the locality, then farmers can lay pipes and treat the wastewater centrally. If centralised treatment is not possible, generally speaking, such wastewater can be discharged outdoors because the natural environment has a very strong self-cleaning ability.
For the treatment of domestic sewage, in the past, rural areas might mainly use faeces as farmyard manure through dry latrines. However, nowadays, as people’s living standards improve and they pursue indoor hygiene more, many rural villages have also started to build unified sewage treatment systems. If it can be discharged directly into the unified treatment system, that would be the best. If not, you need to build your own sewage treatment facilities.
In rural self-built houses, septic tanks are an important component. With the policy and rural development, rural sewage facilities are gradually enhanced and septic tanks are starting to enter every house. Nowadays, the most mature and best-used septic tank is the three-format septic tank.
Farmers can choose the right type according to their needs and actual situation.
However, some people who have higher environmental requirements usually install a sewage treatment equipment behind the septic tank as an independent sewage treatment measure for home use, which can purify the sewage treated by the septic tank to meet the standards before discharge, and some can reuse this part of the water as toilet flushing and irrigation, which is more economical and environmentally friendly. Installation of this small integrated wastewater treatment equipment is a good measure for in situ purification and resourcefulness of sewage, with the least investment, to avoid the pollution of their own sewage in their own surroundings, in fact, is a far-sighted and long-term plan!

domestic wastewater treatment

In general, the design of the sewage system for rural self-built houses needs to take into account a variety of factors such as geographical location, natural environment, living habits and so on. The specific process is sewage collection – sewage preliminary treatment (septic tank) – sewage standard treatment – sewage discharge, on the household sewage treatment equipment, here we recommend a piece of equipment, Liding environmental protection, Liding scavenger, cutting-edge technology out of the water is clean, and there is a whole-house sewage treatment customised programme.

Post time: Jul-04-2024