

Liding Deep Dragon intelligent operation system: new concept of efficiency of sewage treatment

The Liding DeepDragon™ Wastewater Treatment Intelligent Operation and Design System, with frequent experiences and favourable market feedback since its product release, has become a new way to reduce costs and increase efficiency in wastewater treatment projects.


Design and operation is crucial for wastewater treatment projects, ensuring efficient and stable operation, environmental quality, recycling of resources and providing strong guarantee for the long-term sustainable development of the project. Wastewater treatment projects require Design & Operate software to automate and intelligently control, improve management efficiency and accuracy, optimise resource allocation and reduce operating costs, as well as facilitate information technology and digital transformation.
DeepDragon™, a leading international technological masterpiece, is an intelligent system with extraordinary capabilities that can quickly assist design institutes and third-party organisations to achieve efficient operations in a given area. In response to the needs of the village wastewater treatment industry, it provides support for key investment decisions including automated design of new pipelines for wastewater plants and stations, accurate investment cost budgeting, and integrated plant and network operations. Compared with traditional design methods, it can improve efficiency by more than 50% and ensure that the effective operation rate of assets reaches 100%, realising the all-weather intelligent operation of the plant network and possessing a wide range of technological application prospects.
This product can analyse remote sensing maps of the countryside in a refined manner and accurately identify various types of feature objects. At the same time, we adopt a special data format to ensure that the image has a wide field of view and high resolution, providing a data basis for subsequent decision-making. Geographical location and height information can be extracted from the images, and edges and contours can be finely depicted to facilitate subsequent model building and data processing. Transported Dragon is able to quickly build analysis models and effectively solve the problem of complexity of data sources. Through deep learning and fine processing, our annotation accuracy can reach 90%, bringing unprecedented accuracy and efficiency to the village sewage treatment industry.
When designing the sewage network, Transported Dragon can ensure that the layout of the pipeline is scientific and reasonable, and design a more efficient pipeline scheme with a lower error rate of only 10% through various ways. In addition, we are able to quickly generate a budget plan to ensure the timeliness and reasonableness of the budget.
In terms of technical realisation, we not only support the import and preview of CAD drawings, but also integrate GIS map function, which provides users with an integrated management solution for plant and network data in the whole life cycle, ensuring data integrity and continuity. Transported Dragon has also introduced intelligent inspection system and methodology technology, specifically for the village and township decentralised wastewater industry. The system is equipped with diversified information functions, capable of recording multiple and automatically generating operation reports in detail, which greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of inspection work.

Post time: Jun-13-2024