

What will it look like after five years of substandard sewage treatment?

The governments of many countries and regions have clear regulations and standards for the sewage treatment of home stay facilities. Good domestic sewage treatment facilities can provide a cleaner environment and increase the comfort and satisfaction of tourists. This is very important to improve the word of mouth and attract repeat customers. As a business that wants to operate for a long time, home stay needs to consider sustainable development. By focusing on the treatment of domestic sewage, B & B can demonstrate its commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development, and attract more tourists who pay attention to environmental protection.

So, if we according to the actual situation, try to analyze, if the B & B does not ask about the sewage discharge, lasting for five years, what kind of problems will this B & B may face?

the first year: When untreated sewage is discharged directly into rivers and lakes, its COD (chemical oxygen demand) and BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) content will increase. The decomposition of these pollutants in the water will consume dissolved oxygen in the water, causing water hypoxia, and lead to the death of aquatic life. Due to the water pollution, the appreciation of the surrounding water bodies will be greatly reduced, which will affect the living experience of tourists. According to the survey, about 30 percent of tourists will choose other accommodation due to water quality problems. the next year: Untreated sewage contains heavy metals, oil and other harmful substances, and the long-term discharge will lead to the pollution of the surrounding soil. According to studies, heavy metals are enriched in the soil, affecting the growth of crops and entering the human body through the food chain. Hazardous substances in the sewage may penetrate into the groundwater and then be absorbed by the drinking water system of the homestay, posing a threat to the health of visitors and employees. According to statistics, long-term consumption of contaminated water sources increases the risk of cancer. The third year: Nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients in sewage can lead to eutrophication of the water, cause algae reproduction, make the water become cloudy and produce peculiar smell. At the same time, it will also destroy the ecological balance of water bodies and affect the survival of fish and other aquatic organisms. As environmental problems increase, the government may strengthen the supervision of environmental pollution. B & B may be fined or face other legal liability for discharging untreated sewage discharge. Fourth year: The persistence of environmental problems will seriously affect the reputation of B & B. According to a consumer survey, more than 60 percent of tourists will give bad reviews due to poor accommodation conditions. In addition, homestays may also face customer complaints and negative word-of-mouth communication. As environmental problems cause fewer tourists and reputation damage, the operating income of homestays will fall sharply. At the same time, in order to solve environmental problems, B & B also needs to invest a lot of money in rectification and repair. The fifth year: As environmental problems intensify, B & B may need to hire professional environmental protection companies to conduct long-term environmental remediation work. This will be a huge expense, and further increase the operating costs of home stay. Due to long-term environmental pollution problems, B & B may face more legal lawsuits and claims. This will not only cause economic losses to the home stay, but also have a long-term impact on its reputation and operation.

To sum up, home stay does not pay attention to domestic sewage treatment will produce a series of serious consequences. In order to ensure the long-term operation and sustainable development of home stay, effective sewage treatment measures must be taken to protect the environment and improve the operating efficiency.

General people host now is also very environmental consciousness, because the home ecological environment will directly determine the tourist satisfaction and return, therefore, force of environmental protection specifically for folk scene, innovative research and development of a household type sewage treatment —— force ding scavenger, small, water standard, tail water reuse, is the necessary choice of every people host!

Post time: Mar-15-2024